DWI Regulation 31

Creating an environment where all water companies buy into a single code of practice to create unity and encourage best practice.

The water industry is highly-regulated, most particularly to ensure that drinking water is safeguarded and fit for human consumption. The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), formed in 1990, holds responsibility for regulation in England and Wales. The DWI inspects the laboratories where water companies rigorously test their drinking water and ensure that water operations are of a high standard. These standards are set down in national regulations for England and Wales and comply with laws set down by the European Union.

It is in the DWI’s role to issue and assess approval for the use of products that fall under Regulation 31. Regulation 31 of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 implements Article 10 of the Council of the European Union Drinking Water Directive (DWD) in England and Wales for all chemicals and construction products used by water undertakers, from the source of the water, up to the point of delivery to the consumer’s building. It defines which construction products and materials may be used safely, having been found not to prejudice water quality and consumer safety.

Read the full article here, published by UK Water Projects.